Nabat: The ally from Qans

Nabat is ready for some action

As bizarre as it is to have a “living” mummy walking beside you, Nabat quickly proves how helpful she can be. Impulsive. Energetic. Proud. What else to say about the first ally to join Dorothea in her quest?

Yep, she’s a mummy. Wearing glasses.

As soon as Dorothea steps into the Temple of Asfar, two mummies attack her. So, it is with great surprise that she meets one that not only doesn’t want to hurt her but that is welcoming and can talk. That friendly mummy is Nabat. After decades (or centuries – she’s not sure anymore) as the only intelligent being roaming the halls of the Temple, Nabat is happy to find someone to talk to and is willing to help.

The glasses? Well, that’s her own genius at work. She invented them.

Dorothea and Nabat’s first meeting. In the demo, Lýpi has already joined the party.

Was Nabat influential?

The entire architecture of the city of Qans was built having the Temple of Asfar as its focus. Which makes sense, considering the Golden Empire of Qans was a theocracy with the faith in Asfar at its core. But why was this woman buried in such an holy site? She knows how the puzzles inside the temple work, she is aware of the Primordial Source of Colors and she possesses magical abilities. Could she have been a priest or a minor goddess? Well, if so, her behavior does not seem to match this supposed ‘holiness’. Even though she’s energetic, brave and wise, Nabat can also be self-centered and brash. Dorothea can’t imagine a divinity of any type behaving like this.

Ok, until Nabat entered the room everything was dark. How is she able to create light?

The story of Nabat

Inside the temple, there is one room where those citizens deemed honorable and important by the Imperial family (the Assi clan) were buried.
To be there, the asfari in question should perform a great benefit to their society. It was a great honor and the people would visit this room to pay their respects to those awarded such praise. Despite this recognition, there was one tomb in this room the people would laugh and scorn at. The tomb of Nabat.

Most of the asfari considered Nabat as someone pitiful. She would walk through the city showcasing a weird glass object in her face. She swore it helped her see better. However, almost everyone who tried it out found it not only to not help, but to worsen their sight. Of course that was a small number of people that considered her a genius because of her stupid little invention. Not only that, she constantly lectured people about her theories and future inventions right in the middle of the street! And almost none of these “inventions” related to The Faith at all.

Why would the Empress allow this to continue? Shouldn’t they forbid that charlatan to spread this blasphemy? And even worse, somehow she found ways to gather followers. What a manipulator she was.

The fact is: Nabat was buried together with the honorable of Qans. She must have done something the Empress herself recognized as extremely valuable.
The Daughter of the Sun could never be fooled by any being in this world. So, despite all mischievous gossip, Nabat probably was not an imposter. And yes, she looks pretty powerful.

It doesn’t take long for Dorothea to be certain she wants the energetic mummy to accompany her. Let’s hope she sticks around for the entire adventure.

Nabat invoking spirits to fight. Fit for a mummy.